What's your story? In order to raise money or get a loan, companies need to tell their story in a compelling way.


Ø  Pitching to investors at an investor forum

The pitch is geared to delivering a compelling future vision of the company direction

Ø  Overcoming objections to your pitch or presentation

Ø  Setting a realistic pre-money valuation

Investor pitch deck training
Investor pitch deck training

Examples of Business Plan Preparation

One member of ALBA Consultants was the Chairman of the California Venture Forum for 10 years. In this capacity, along with his team, he trained hundreds of startup companies to present at an investor forum. After being selected to present, companies were required to attend a 3-day training course on how to create and deliver an exceptionally effective presentation or pitch that gets results. We taught participants how to convey their ideas with clarity, confidence and conviction and how to confidently answer questions and address objections with poise and eloquence.